Ðåôåðàò: Use of the Topical Project Work “My Body” for Developing All Language Skills in Form 4
Ðåôåðàò: Use of the Topical Project Work “My Body” for Developing All Language Skills in Form 4
Tamāra Abdirazakova
Graduation Paper
Adviser: the English language
teacher Nataļja Dogureviča
Liepāja Academy of
Adult Education Centre
Foreign Language Department
Liepâja 2004
Graduation Paper is devoted to using the topical project work “My Body” for
developing all language skills in junior classes.
The aim
of the research was to stimulate the interest in studying the language and to
improve the skills and knowledge of pupils with the help of the topical project
work “My Body”. To achieve the aim the author studied methodological literature
on using project works for developing different skills. Then the project work
was practically implemented in junior classes. Finally, the results of the case
study were analyzed.
A case
study was applied as a research method to investigate the sample consisting of
23 students at Jēkabpils Secondary School ¹ 2 aged 10-12 in grade 4.
research revealed the importance and usefulness of using the topical project
work “My Body” at the English lessons. It also showed that the project work is
an effective method of developing all language skills of young learners. With
the help of the research the author realised that more students had
arisen their interest in learning English and improved their practical skills
in communication through English. This study proves also that the project work
elevates the effectiveness of learning English. During the project work
atmosphere in the class was very positive, friendly. The learners’ attitude to
doing all types of tasks was positive and involved children to the learning
It can
be concluded that much has been achieved on the way towards studying the
project’s method, but the work on this issue should be continued.
materials applied can be used in grades 5 –6.
darbā tiek piedāvāta 4.d klases skolēnu
iepazīšanās ar projektu “My Body” angļu valodas
tēma: Lasīšanas, rakstīšanas,
klausīšanās un runāšanas iemaņu
attīstība, izmantojot projektu nedēļas tēmu “My Body”
Tamāra Abdirazakova.
vadītāja: angļu valodas skolotāja Nataļja Dogureviča.
struktūra: ievads, teorētiskā daļa,
eksperimentālā daļa, secinājumi, literatūras saraksts,
mērķis: apzināties projektu metodes īstenošanas
principus, to ietekmi uz iemaņu attīstību angļu valodas
un psiholoģiskās literatūras iepazīšana un
un aprobēt projekta tēmu “My Body” 4.d klasē.
un analizēt iegūtos datus.
hipotēze: skolēnu iemaņu attīstība norisinās
veiksmīgāk, ja skolotājs savā darbā izmanto projekta
tēmu “My Body” atbilstoši bērnu interesēm un vecumposmiem.
kā metode attīsta un pilnveido skolēnu prasmes. Projekta darbu
angļu valodas stundās ievieš, lai stundas kļūtu
interesantākas, daudzveidīgākas un ciešāk
saistītas ar reālo dzīvi, ar skolēnu aktuālām
of al it is possible to say that the children are given basic knowledge in the
elementary school. Listening, reading, writing and speaking in a foreign
language is a difficult art and it has to be learned starting in junior
theme of Graduation Paper is Use of the Topical Project Work “My Body” for
Developing all Language Skills in Form 4.
The aim
of paper is to stimulate the interest in studying the English language and to
improve the skills and knowledge of pupils with the help of project work “My
hypothesis of the paper is that the effective use of the project work
successfully develops all language skills of young learners.
1 shows the result of the questionnaire. So, refer to the Gardner’s table of
the intelligences it is possible to conclude that the most part of the learners
had linguistic, visual and socialiser intelligences.
next teacher’s step was to complete a set of activities and tasks for the theme
“My Body” according to the students types of intelligence.
studied the advantages and disadvantages of the project work and work in big
classes it was decided to organise the class into pairs and groups.
Table 2
reflects the summary of the activities used for developing four language
skills. This material was designed for young children.
I want to show two activities:
work was begun with the song ”Head and Shoulders”. Children sang and touched
the body parts mentioned in the song.
game “Parts of the Body’.
is very important in our life. An educated person is one who knows a lot about
many things. He always tries to learn, find out, discover more about the world
around him. He gets knowledge from books, magazines, TV educational programs.
The pupils can get deeper knowledge in different optional courses in different
subjects and school offers these opportunities.
result of the educative process is the capacity of further education. Nowadays
students of secondary school have opportunities to continue their education by
entering gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, universities. Children are given basic
knowledge in the elementary school. But the road to learn is not easy. There is
no royal road to learning. To be successful in studies one must work hard.
role of foreign languages is also increasing today. To know foreign languages
is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for being a good specialist.
English is widely spoken in the world. It is the language of progressive
science and technology, trade and cultural relations, commerce and business. It
is also the major language of diplomacy. Listening, reading, speaking and
writing in a foreign language is a difficult art and it has to be learned
starting in junior classes.
The aim
of the paper is to stimulate the interest in studying the language and to
improve the skills and knowledge of pupils with the help of project work “My
objectives of the work are:
study the methodological and psychological literature on using project works;
2. to
study the topical project work “My Body” in form 4;
3. to
analyze the results of the topical project work in form 4.
hypothesis of the paper is that the effective use of the project work successfully
develops all language skills of young learners.
research methods used are:
and analysis of methodological and psychological literature;
in order to study project work in form 4;
analyses of development of all language skills;
and evaluation of project lessons.
1 views the aspects of intellectual development of young learners. Chapter 2
describes importance of using pair work and group work at project lessons.
Chapter 3 shows how to use project work for developing all language skills.
Chapter 4 analyses the results of the questionnaire and implementation of the
project work “My Body” in form 4.
1. Aspects of Intellectual
Development in Middle Childhood
in mental abilities – such as learning, memory, reasoning, thinking, and
language – are aspects of intellectual development. The concrete operational
period is the period of middle childhood. It extends from about age 6 to about
age 11 or 12.
the large majority of child psychologists identify themselves with one of three
general theoretical views – the cognitive-developmental approach, the
environmental/learning approach, or the ethnological approach.
cognitive-developmental approach encompasses a number of related theories and
kinds of research. This approach is most closely associated with the work of
Piaget (1952). Sometime between 5 and 7 years of age, according to Piaget,
children enter the stage of concrete operations, when they can think logically
about the here and now. They generally remain in this sage until about age 11.
But development at these ages is still highly significant. Intellectual growth
is substantial, as the once ago centric, child becomes more logical. And the
accumulation of day-by-day changes results in a starting difference between
6-year-olds and 12-year-olds.
to Piaget’s theory, human development can be described in terms of functions
and structures. The most fundamental aspect of Piaget’s theory, and often the
most difficult to comprehend, is his belief that intelligence is not something
that a child has but something that a child does. Piaget’s child understands
the world only by acting on it, making intelligence a process rather than a
static store of information.
Piaget development refers to this continual reorganization of the child’s
knowledge into new and more complex structures. Piaget was a stage theorist. In
his view, all children move through the same stages of cognitive development in
the same order.
most influential contemporary theory of the effects of social experience on
cognitive development is that of Soviet psychologist Lev Vygotsky ( 1962).
Vygotsky’s theory includes a number of related emphases.
the most general emphasis is on the culture as a determinant of individual
development. Humans are the only species that have created cultures, and every
human child in the context of a culture. The culture makes two sorts of
contributions to the child’s intellectual development. First, children acquire
much of the content of their thinking from it. Second, children acquire much of
the means of their thinking – or what Vygotskians call the tools of
intellectual adaptation – from it. In short, the surrounding culture teaches
children both what to think and how to think.
theories begin with the assumption that much of children’s typical behaviour is
acquired through conditioning and learning principles.
theory, in contrast, holds that children’s toy preferences do not necessarily
grow out of what they know about their gender but often result from what has
happened when they played with certain toys. B. F. Skinner (1953) accepted the
role of Pavlov’s conditioning of reflexes, but he added to learning theory a
second type of behaviour and, correspondingly, a second type of learning.
According to his model, all behaviour falls into one of two categories –
respondent behaviours and operant behaviours.
analyses also views human development as passing through stages, termed the
foundational stage (infancy) the bases stage (childhood and adolescence), and
the societal stage (adulthood and old age).
say that the environment influences behaviour in four ways:
environment puts constraints on behaviour; it limits what we can do.
environment elicits behaviour; it tells us how to act.
environment moulds the self.
affect the self-image.
conclude, language is developed quickly in middle childhood, children can
understand and interpret communications better, and they are better able to
make themselves understood.
theory contends that children first develop an understanding that they are male
or female consistently with their gender, as when a girl comes to prefer playing
with dolls to playing with trucks. The cognitive-development approach to human
development is based on the belief that cognitive abilities are fundamental and
that they guide children’s behaviour.
most influential current theory of how social experience affects cognitive
development is that of Vygotsky. Vygotsky’s theory stresses the child’s gradual
internalization of culturally provided forms of knowledge and tools of
adaptation, primarily through verbal interchanges with parents.
Project Work as One of the Most
Effective Teaching Forms in Modern School
can hardly work at the child’s level unless they know what that level is. It is
important to match topics to the level, reserving complex issues for more
advanced classes. Teachers should not expect beginners to tackle a national
newspaper in English; they would not offer very advanced students a simplified
dialogue. The traditional lessons do not give a chance for cognitive and
creative development. Teachers of beginners will necessary use activities whose
organisation is less complex then those for more advanced learners. Teachers
find it quite effective to develop all language skills for beginner students.
Dictionary of English Language and Culture defines the word project as a piece
of work that needs skill, effort and careful planning, especially, over a
period of time [8, 1378].
work captures three principal elements of communicative approach. They are:
concern for motivation;
concern for relevance;
concern for the general educational development of the learner [18, 26].
learning has not been redacted on the teaching methods, it is more educational
philosophy, which aims are to show the way and to introduce with some possible
activities achieving to a more democratic society, points Legutke [9,1982]. The
child is naturally active, especially along social lines. Teachers just should
choose the appropriate teaching method.
think that project method is one of the most effective teaching forms. The
originators of a project work have arrived at decisions about types of
activities, role of teachers and learners, the kinds of the material which will
be helpful, and some model of syllabus organisation.
can consist of intensive activities which take place over a short period of
time, or extended studies which may take up one or two hours a week for several
weeks [7, 7].
work gives the students an opportunity to bring their knowledge, feelings,
experience, ideas and intelligence of their world into the school and out of it
– to the area where the project work take place. Projects can include a wide
range of the topics and use knowledge and experience gained from the other subjects
in the curriculum.
In big
classes, it is difficult for the teacher to make contact with the students at
the back and it is difficult for the students to ask for and receive individual
attention. It may seem impossible to organise dynamic and creative teaching and
learning sessions. In large classes, pair-work and group-work play an important
part since they maximise student participation.
teachers know how their students feel about pair-work and group-work it is
easier to decide what method should be applied and what kind of the activities
to perform.
theory stands for “Multiple intelligences”, a concept introduced by the Harvard
psychologist Howard Gardner. In his book Frames of Mind, he suggested that as
humans we do not possess a single intelligence, but a range of intelligences
(Gardner 1983). He listed seven of these. (Appendix 1)
people have all of these intelligences, he said, but in each person one (or
more) of them is more pronounced. If teachers accept that different intelligences
predominate in different people, it suggests that the same learning task may
not be appropriate for all of students.
Pair Work at Project Lessons
pupils into pairs is an important job for the teacher at the project lesson. In
pair work students can practise the language together, study a text, research
the language or take part in information-gap activities. They can write
dialogues, predict the content of reading texts, or compare on what they have
listened to or seen.
most important advantages and disadvantages of using pair work at project
lessons saw S. Haines (1995).
So, the
positive sides are:
dramatically increases the amount of speaking time any one student gets in the
allows students to work and interact independently without the necessary
guidance of the teacher, thus promoting learner independence.
allows teachers time to work with one or two pairs while the other students
continue working.
recognises the old maxim that ‘two heads are better than one’, and in promoting
cooperation helps the classroom to become a more relaxed and friendly place. If
teachers get students to make decisions in pairs, they will be allowed to share
responsibility rather than having to bear the whole weight themselves.
It is
relatively quick and easy to organise.
are disadvantages of pair-work:
is frequently very noisy and some teachers and students dislike this. Teachers
in particular worry that they will lose control of their class.
in pairs can often veer away from the point of an exercise, talking about
something else completely, often in their first language.
2.2 Group Work at Project
It is
also possible to put students in large groups too, since this will allow them
to do a range of tasks for which pair-work is not sufficient or appropriate.
Thus, students can write a group story or role-play a situation which involves
five or six people. They can prepare a presentation or discuss an issue and
come to a group decision. Students can watch, write or perform a video
sequence; teachers can give individual students in a group different lines of a
poem which the group has to reassemble.
general it is possible to say that small groups of around five students provoke
greater involvement and participation than large groups. They are small enough
for real interpersonal interaction, yet not so small that members are
over-reliant upon each individual. Because five is an odd number, it means that
a majority view can usually prevail. However, there are occasions when large
groups are necessary. The activity may demand it, or we may want to divide the
class into teams for some game or preparation phase.
and disadvantages of using group-work at project lessons are nicely described
by J. Reid (1987), and T. Woodward (1995) in their works. The main advantages
pair-work, because there are more than two people in the group, personal
relationships are usually less problematic; there is also a greater chance of
different opinions and varied contribution than pair-work, and yet is more
private than work in front of the whole class.
promotes learner autonomy by allowing students to make their own decisions in
the group without being told what to do by the teacher.
pair work, it dramatically increases the amount for individual students.
are definite disadvantages, too:
It is
likely to be noisy. Some teachers feel that they lose control, and the
whole-class feeling which has been painstakingly built up may dissipate when
the class is split into smaller entities. Groups can take longer to organise
than pairs.
conclusion it should be mentioned that project work is topic-based which
involves research/questionnaires project encourage cooperation and sharing, it
may be very creative artwork.
project work it is possible to use such forms of class organization as pair and
group work. It helps for developing all language skills at the project lessons.
3 Using Project Work for
Developing All Language Skills
teaching aims in foreign languages methodologists tend to divide into some
parts – structures, functions, vocabulary, pronunciation and skills.
are three skills teachers are supposed to master in learning a new language:
must learn to read it;
should learn to understand it when they hear it;
should learn to speak it.
modern school curricula require all subjects to encourage initiative,
independence, self-discipline, imagination, development of all language skills,
so the project work is a way of turning such general aims into practical
classroom activity and involve children into teaching process [6, 119].
provides a natural context in which these separate parts can be re-integrated
in learners’ minds. This is important for students to be sure about their own
abilities to use target language in real situations. It is student’s own
interests to produce language that is accurate and fluent.
and students encourage that projects break the routine. Project work demands
creature and a lot of enthusiasm for both- teachers and learners.
work is very effective method because:
and target tasks for project learning derived from all forms and objects of
are involved with the ideas through a process of discussion, experimentation,
reflection, and application of insights to the new stages of experimentation.
planning the structure of project work students and teacher make sure about
every pupil’s responsibilities. During the project students practise in main
language skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing.
3.1 Developing Reading and
Listening Skills
and listening are receptive skills.
is not a passive skill. It is an incredibly active occupation. To do it
successfully, we have to understand what the words mean, see the picture, the
words are painting, understand the arguments and work out of we agree with
When we
read a text in our own language, we frequently have a good idea of the content
before we actually read. Book covers give us a hint of what is in the book,
photographs and headline hint at what articles are about and reports look like
reports before we read a single word. Teachers should give students “hints” so
that they can predict what is coming too. It will make them better and more
engaged readers.
are many reasons why getting students to read English texts which is an
important part of the teacher’s job. In the first place, many of them want to
be able to read texts in English either for their careers, for study purposes
or simply for pleasure.
balance has to be struck between real English on one hand and the students’
capabilities and interest on the other. There is some authentic written
material which beginner students can understand to some degree: menus,
timetables, sings and basic instructions, for example, and, where appropriate,
can be used in project work. But for longer prose, teachers may want to offer
their students texts which, while being like English, are nevertheless written
or adapted especially for their level. The important thing is that such texts
are as much like real English as possible [6, 86].
is a skill and any help students can be offered, in performing that skill will
help them be better listeners. Listening to tapes is a way of bringing
different kinds of speaking into the classroom, it is possible to play
different kinds of tape to them, e.g. conversation, “plays”, interviews,
stories read aloud, telephone exchanges etc.
One of
the main reasons for getting students to listen to spoken English is to let
them hear different varieties and accents – rather than just the voice of their
teacher with its own idiosyncrasies. In today’s world, they need to be exposed
not only to one variety of English (British English, for example) but also to
varieties such as American English, Australian English, Indian English or West
African English. [6,124].
debate about use of authentic listening material is just as fierce in listening
as it is in reading. If, for example, teachers play a tape of a political
speech to complete beginners, they will not understand a word. If, on the other
hand, students are given a realistic (though not authentic) tape of a telephone
conversation, they may learn to gain confidence as a result. Everything depends
on level, and the kind of tasks that go with a tape.
may be some authentic material which is usable by beginners such as
pre-recorded announcements, telephone messages, etc.
are numbers of ways in which listening activities differ from otter classroom
exercises: firstly, tapes go at the same special for everybody.
is special, too, because spoken language, especially when it is informal, has a
number of unique features including the use of incomplete utterances,
repetitions, hesitation, etc., experience of informal spoken English together
with an appreciation of other spoken factors – the tone of the voice, the
intonation the speakers use, rhythm, and background noise – will help students
tease meaning out of such speech phenomena.
3.2 Developing Speaking and
Writing Skills
and writing are the productive skills. Production processes control how well
the child can reproduce the model’s responses.
are three basic reasons why it is a good idea to give students speaking tasks
which provoke them to use all and any language at their command:
1. Rehearsal:
getting students to have a free discussion gives them a chance to rehearse
having discussion in project work.
Feedback: speaking tasks where students are trying to use all and any language
they know provides feedback for both teacher and students. Teacher can see how
well their class is doing and what language problems they are having (that is a
good reason for project lessons); students can also see how easy they find a
particular kind of speaking and what they need to improve.
Engagement: good speaking activities can and should be highly motivating. Many
speaking tasks (role-playing, discussion, problem-solving) can be used in the
project work [6, 88]
are four types of speaking activity:
popular information-gap activity is called “Describe and Draw”. It has many of
the elements of an ideal speaking activity.
One way
of provoking conversation and opinion exchange is to get students to conduct
questionnaires and surveys. If the students plan these questionnaires
themselves, the activity becomes even more useful.
activities are those where students are asked to imagine that they are in
different situations and act accordingly. Teachers can organise discussion
sessions in their classroom, too.
is a basic language skill, just as important as speaking, listening, and
reading. Students need to know how to write letters, how to put written reports
together, how to reply to advertisement – and increasingly, how to write using
electronic media. Part of teacher’s job is to give students that skill.
are four writing sequences:
writing [6,81-83]
factor which can determine teacher’s choice of writing task is the students’
interests. Teacher’s decisions, though, will be based on how much language the
students know, what their interests are, and what teacher thinks will not only
be useful for them but also motivate them as well.
To sum
up it is possible to say that while project work all language skills should be
trained. So, speaking activities may well form one part of a much longer
sequence which includes reading or listening and, after the activity, study
work. The teaching of reading is intimately bound up with the teaching of
writing: the one provides the model for the other. Writing is a basic language
skill, just as important as speaking, listening and reading. Listening is a
skill and any help teachers can give students in performing that skill will help
them to be better listeners.
Practical Use of the Project
Work “My Body”
The aim
of the practical application of the project work “My Body” was to investigate
the possibility to increase the student’s interest in learning the English
language, to develop all language skills and improve knowledge of young
part of the work passed through certain stages:
to study the students’ types of the intelligence;
tasks and activities for project work “My Body”;
implementation of the project material;
of the results obtained.
practical application of the material was carried out from 1st
October 2003 till 17th October 2003. It was realized in Jēkabpils Secondary School No2 with 4-th
formers, three hours of the English language a week. The group consisted of 23
4.1 The Results of the
study the types of the students’ intelligences in the class, according to the
first stage, the investigation was carried out. In order to do that the
students were asked to answer the questions. (Appendix 2)
1. Types of the Intelligences in Form 4
1 shows the result of the questionnaire where the vertical axis reflects the
percentage of the students’ intelligences in 4-d class.
turned out that the most part of the learners had linguistic, visual and
socialiser intelligences. So, refering to the Gardner’s table of intelligences
(see Chapter 2) it is possible to conclude that 6 learners like to read, write
and tell stories; 2 learners like to do experiments, ask questions; 5 learners
like to draw, look at pictures; 2 learners like to sing, listen to music; 3 learners
are good at physical activities; 4 learners like to join groups; 1 learner is
the best by having own space.
It was
also interesting to find out what the students felt concerning their abilities
to speak and read in English. The respondents were to choose the statement
according to their feeling:
in English:
I speak
as much as possible
should speak more
I want
to speak but I am afraid
in English:
I can
understand the main idea
understand partly, I need help
understand very little
So, 14
respondents out of 23 confessed that they were afraid to speak in English and
10 respondents out of 23 understood very little while reading in English.
generalized the results of the questionnaire and interviews with the students
the following conclusion can be drawn. The teacher can use project work for
developing all language skills. So, the next step to make was to complete a set
of activities and tasks for the theme “My Body” according to the students’
types of intelligence.
4.2 The Implementation of the
Project Work “My Body” in Form 4
order to develop all language skills according to the students’ types of
intelligence, to motivate students to learn the language a set of activities
and tasks was worked out.
studied the advantages and disadvantages of the project work and work in big
classes it was decided to organise the class into groups and pairs.
cognitive aim of the topic “My Body” was to review the knowledge about the body
in English and through activities gain understanding of new information. Pupils
were also expected to substantially develop their co-operative skills while
working in pairs and in groups.
Table 2
reflects the summary of the activities used for developing four language
skills. This material was designed for young children.
2. Activities for the Topic “My Body”
Description of activity |
Teacher’s Language |
Language Skills Focus |
1.Sing song and do the actions |
Nose, head, shoulders, etc. |
Listening, speaking skills |
2.Drawing the parts of the body |
“Show me…”
“What is it?”
Speaking, writing, listening skills |
3.To listen to the dialogue |
Helping with difficult words |
Listening and speaking skills |
4. Mime-show |
Introduce new words |
Speaking, writing, reading, listening skills |
5. Measuring your body |
Giving instructions |
Speaking, listening, reading, writing skills |
6. English food |
Giving key words.
“What is different about English food?”
Reading, listening, speaking skills |
7. Game “Healthy Food for Healthy Body” |
Questions about the text |
Speaking, listening, writing |
9.“Table Manners” |
Helping with new and difficult words |
Reading, speaking, writing, listening |
10. Test |
Read the first task |
Listening, writing, reading, skills |
the first lesson of the project work the author prepared a large chart which
was attached to one of the walls of the classroom. In this chart the pupils
were supposed to show their opinion after each lesson by drawing an appropriate
I like
the activities in the lesson
partly like the lesson
I did
not like the activities
first project task was begun with the song “Head and Shoulders”. (Appendix 3)
Children sang and touched the body parts mentioned in the song.
next step was work in pairs. Pupils were showed the parts of the body each
other, were drawing and writing the parts of the body in their notebooks. It
was done in the form of game. (Appendix 4)
the teacher asked the children to listen to the dialogue and try to understand
what the children were talking about. They also were supposed to discuss the
dialogue, explain the phrases and words pupils did not understand.
the teacher planned work in pairs:
mimed having a headache/earache/backache;
children tried to guess what was wrong with them by asking “Are you ill?” or
“What is the matter?”
the children wrote the new words and expression in the notebooks. They read in
pairs about little John – decided whether little John was really ill, practised
the short answers [ Pupil’s book “Enjoy 2”]
Work in
groups: the teacher used Worksheet 1 (Appendix 5) for each group to fill in,
introduced new words: weight, height, length, width.
teacher together with the nurse weighed the pupils and measured their height
pupils in the medical room of the school.
Worksheet 1 was completed in groups, the pupils could repeat their results to
their classmates at the second project lesson.
Work in
pairs: What is different about English food? – children read the text (Appendix
6) They consolidated the vocabulary about food/likes and dislikes; discussed on
good and bad food, and clarified ideas about the “Pyramid of Food”. (Appendix
Work in
groups: in this activity was used Worksheet 3 for making group pictures “Healthy
Food for Healthy Body”. (Appendix 8)
the learners were offered to write “Table Manners” using words: dirty, hands,
mouth, do not, fork, spoon, knife, hear, etc. (Appendix 9)
4.3 Analysis of the Results
all these numerous tasks and activities were successfully performed, the author
of the case study summarised the results of the students’ opinion about them.
3. Self-assessment
Lessons |
I like activities at the lesson |
I partly like the lesson |
I did not like the activities |
1- lesson |
10 |
7 |
6 |
2- lesson |
15 |
4 |
4 |
3- lesson |
16 |
5 |
2 |
4- lesson |
16 |
4 |
3 |
5- lesson |
18 |
5 |
0 |
6- lesson |
20 |
3 |
0 |
Table 3
shows that 20 students out of 23 liked the activities, 3 students out of 23
partly liked the activities at the project lessons. It proves that activities
at the project lessons were used successfully.
order to observe a progress of the students’ knowledge an achievement test was
suggested, which consisted of 3 exercises.(Appendix 10)
those tasks the students had to demonstrate their knowledge of the new
vocabulary which were used in the topic “My Body”.
Figure 2.
The Result of the Achievment Test
2 shows the results of the test, where the vertical axis reflects the
percentage of development of the students’ skills. According to the final test
15 students out of 23 are good listeners, 18 students out of 23 are good
readers, 10 students out of 23 are good writers.
at the end of the project work the respondents were to choose the statment
according to their feeling:
in English:
I speak
as much as possible
should speak more
I want
to speak but I am afraid
only 7 respondents out of 23 confessed that they were afraid to speak in
English. (see Chapter 4.1)
compare the results of the first questionnaire with the final test the
following conclusion can be drawn out that significant progress in training all
language skills has been made. The results of the project work “My Body” showed
that the pupils self-activity and potencial self-realization were grown.
to say that the English language has become very popular today. About 350
million people speak English as its first language. It is an official language
in 44 countries. It is the dominant language of the medicine, electronics and
space technology. A foreign language is not just a subject learnt in the
classrooms. It is something which is used in real life situations. Project work
is one of the teaching methods teachers can use for teaching the English
language during learning process.
The aim
of the Paper was to stimulate the interest in studyng the English language and
to improve the skills and knowledge of pupils with the help of project work “My
objectives of the Paper have been completed:
literature on teaching English through project works has been studied;
case study has been carried out;
results of the case study have been analyzed.
research that was carried out based on the analysis of the theoretical
literature and completed tasks and activities for the project work “My Body”,
allowed the author to ascertain that the hypothesis of the Paper has been
proved, that the effective use of the project work successfully develops all
language skills of young learners. The study proved also that the project work
elevated the effectiveness of learning English.
work includes a lot of practical activities through which learners develop all
skills and knowledge even in different school subjects. Project work is an
example of the co-operative learning. In big classes it is possible to organise
dynamic and creative teaching with the help of such teaching/learning
organization forms as pair and group work.
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2. Activities for the Topic “My Body”
Description of
Language Skills
1.Sing song and do the actions |
Nose, head, shoulders, etc. |
Listening, speaking skills |
2.Drawing the parts of the body |
“Show me…”
“What is it?”
Speaking, writing, listening skills |
3.To listen to the dialogue |
Helping with difficult words |
Listening and speaking skills |
4. Mime-show |
Introduce new words |
Speaking, writing, reading, listening skills |
5. Measuring your body |
Giving instructions |
Speaking, listening, reading, writing skills |
6. English food |
Giving key words.
“What is different about English food?”
Reading, listening, speaking skills |
7. Game “Healthy Food for Healthy Body” |
Questions about the text |
Speaking, listening, writing |
9.“Table Manners” |
Helping with new and difficult words |
Reading, speaking, writing, listening |
10. Test |
Read the first task |
Listening, writing, reading, skills |
1. Types of the Intelligences in Form 4